Tom Brooks’ review via e-mail
Tom Brooks is an Australian guitarist and luthier. I received this email from him on March 16, 2025:
I just wanted to sincerely thank you for the incredible work you put into your book, especially for the humanity you managed to bring to a complex, nuanced character such as Tony. I’ve never been a fan of the typical sycophantic, hero-making biographies that are often written about highly influential artists, especially when they gloss over elements of their subject’s character/personality that clash with the sanitized myth – which I feel strips the honesty and humanity from the subject.
I was touched by the recollections of your interview subjects, and I believe that the space you gave them to unpack their relationship with a man they never felt they truly knew (I got the sense that no-one ever knew the ‘full-Tony’) was not only key to delivering an unflinching and compelling picture, but also provided such a kindness to the interviewees via an outlet to process their thoughts, feelings and experiences.
I’ve been aware for a good while that there was more to the story, and had always found that the general narrative perpetuated by the various fan pages/articles etc. rang a bit hollow. Having a much greater context for this has served to give me a deeper appreciation for the music, and the human behind the guitar/microphone.
Anyhow, I am sure that you’ve probably received many similar reactions from readers, but I wanted to take the time to voice my thanks and appreciation to you, and to wish you well for whatever you’re working on in future!
Cheers, Tommy
Discovering Tony Rice – Book Review by Bill Evans
Michael Berick’s “13 Roots Music Book Recommendations From 2024” in The Bluegrass Situation
I’m deeply honored that Michael Berick has included “Discovering Tony Rice” in his 2024 book recommendations along with volumes by Joan Baez, Lucinda Williams, and books about Jesse Ed Davis, Joni Mitchell, Dolly Parton, John Hartford, and Willie, Waylon & the boys. Thank you, Mike!
Amazon page with Reviews
Ted Lehman’s review of “Discovering Tony Rice” on his blog:
John Lawless’ review in Bluegrass Today
Dick Bowden’s review in Hudson Valley Bluegrass
Suzanne Lang interviews Bill on “It’s a Novel Idea” – December 1, 2024Fevor Coulee interview – May 24,2024
Fevor Coulee – Roots Music Opinion – interview – May 24, 2024
Tom Diamant interview on Panhandle Country – KPFA radio – April 27, 2024:
Matt Hutchinson, of Bluegrass Jam Along, interviewed my on March 20, 2024:
Matt Hutchinson, Bluegrass Jam Along – March 20, 2024